News From MAA

Montachusett Agricultural Alliance is organized under the fiscal sponsorship of the non-profit organization Growing Places, Inc. MAA asks for modest annual member dues of $55 to help cover the costs of speakers, workshops, meeting space, and other member benefits.
Meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. and are open to all interested persons. Meeting locations are announced each month.
To be added to the mailing list for updates and information about meetings and programs, contact MAA at montachusettag@gmail.com.
The Montachusett Agricultural Alliance (MAA) is a group of interested community members – agricultural commissioners, vendors from local farmer’s markets, farmers of all sizes, homesteaders, and the community at large – from across North Central Massachusetts. We’re interested in agriculture in all of its forms – food, fiber, fats, flowers, and fuel – and how these working landscapes build and support communities.
We’ve developed a working collaborative of farmers, market gardeners, homesteaders, and managers, along with the community at large. We’re working together to help everyone succeed and move local agriculture forward. We believe quality land managers are the backbone of a viable working landscape that is good for the farmers and their communities. There must be both profit (to support the farmers) and systemic awareness (to support the region’s lands as part of a functioning ecosystem) for local farms to thrive.
Our farms produce the vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs, milk, and cheeses that we all like to eat, but they also produce hay, honey, maple syrup, soap, flowers, wool, firewood, lumber, woodchips and more. In short – we have the world of agriculture in microcosm.
New England is unique. We don’t have the acreage for the large farms of the midwest, but we have many smaller entrepreneurs, specialists and niche markets. This brings special challenges. Join us to explore strategies and solutions together!
MAA’s Goals:
To provide practical, technical, and ecologically sound information to enhance the success of local growers of all kinds.
To provide and build a strong sense of community and comradeship within the North Central MA Agriculture community.
Stay informed about MAA’s meetings, special events, news and activities at our Facebook page,
Contact MAA at montachusettag@gmail.com