MAA Member Meeting on Zoom – Sunday, November 17

3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

November Meeting Topic: Spanish Lesson with Spanish Teacher Emily West

This will help us communicate with our Spanish-speaking community members, so we can know what they are looking for and asking about at farmstands/farmers markets. The class will be focused around names of vegetables, meats, and other foods, along with ways to welcome them or thank them for their purchases.
This class is FREE for MAA members and will be paid for by MAA.
We welcome non-members at $15.00 for each class or pay $55.00 for a membership fee.
Please respond to by November 14 if you would like to attend so we can get an idea of the number of people. Include any specific words or things you would like to learn so we can let the teacher know.
Zoom link will be sent out soon!


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