MAA members meet once a month in different locations around the area. Meetings are typically on Sunday afternoons, and will be announced on the website and Facebook page as well as through email. Meetings are open to all interested persons.
MAA sponsors many different educational opportunities for its members. Workshops offered have included foliars and drenches, soil health, nutrition for goats and sheep, and raising backyard poultry, to name a few examples. Guest speakers include representatives from agricultural supply businesses, experienced farmers and local business people.
MAA also provides opportunity for socializing, networking, and sharing of resources, knowledge and information among local farmers. Meetings allow time to share food and “talk shop” with producers and growers of all experience levels and interests.
MAA’s website and Facebook page include resources, a calendar of events, and announcements about local workshops and seminars, events, funding opportunities, pending legislation (local and federal) affecting farmers and food systems, and many other valuable tips and news items relevant to farmers’ concerns.
What We Do